Trojans: What’s the real deal?

We take a fresh look at Trojans: the history of the term, the most popular threats over the years, the different types of Trojans, and their relationship with social engineering.


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‘LuminosityLink RAT’ Author Pleads Guilty

A 21-year-old Kentucky man has pleaded guilty to authoring and distributing a popular hacking tool called “LuminosityLink,” a malware strain that security experts say was used by thousands of customers to gain unauthorized access to tens of thousands of computers across 78 countries worldwide. Continue reading ‘LuminosityLink RAT’ Author Pleads Guilty

A week in security (June 18 – June 24)

A roundup of security news from June 18 – 24 that includes the SamSam ransomware, DNS rebinding, a World Cup phishing campaign, and lots and lots of Android malware.

Security world
Week in security

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Chinese hackers attack National Data Center using watering hole attack

By Waqas
The IT security researchers at Kaspersky Lab have published a
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