Beepberry Brings Memory LCD and a Physical Keyboard to Your Pi

A BlackBerry Classic-sized device with a BlackBerry keyboard and an e-ink screen. It sits next to an e-ink smartwatch with a grey bezel that matches the 3d printed enclosure of the messaging device.

As the 2020s are seeing the return of the flip phone, could we see a rebirth of other device form factors from before the slab era? [Eric Migicovsky] and [SQFMI] …read more Continue reading Beepberry Brings Memory LCD and a Physical Keyboard to Your Pi

A Non-Destructive Digital Back for a Classic Leica

As digital photography has become so good, perhaps just too good, at capturing near-perfect pictures, some photographers have ventured back into the world of film. There they have found the …read more Continue reading A Non-Destructive Digital Back for a Classic Leica