Ten Ways to Ensure Web Application Security

Analytics Insight ran a recent article on the “Ten ways to ensure web application security,” a good reminder that there are many steps an organization can take to ensure security for their web applications in the face of larger numbers of attacks and i… Continue reading Ten Ways to Ensure Web Application Security

2021 New Year Resolutions for Web Application Security

As we approach the new year, many of us are hoping for a new normal in 2021, at least something not so crazy as 2020 has been.  Traditionally the new year has also meant a time of reflection, and a time to make resolutions for the new year.  Here at K2… Continue reading 2021 New Year Resolutions for Web Application Security

Fourth Record Year in a Row for Vulnerabilities

On December 15, 2020 we just hit another milestone with the number of vulnerabilities recorded in the US CERT Vulnerability Database (so far in 2020) exceeding the total count in 2019, marking a fourth record year of vulnerabilities discovered in produ… Continue reading Fourth Record Year in a Row for Vulnerabilities

Consumption of Public Cloud is Way Ahead of Ability to Secure It

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen organizations increase their use of the cloud, partly to accommodate the increase in employees working from home, and partly as the increase they had already been planning on in their move to the cloud.  Wh… Continue reading Consumption of Public Cloud is Way Ahead of Ability to Secure It

84% of Companies Have High Risk Vulnerabilities

A recent study from Positive Technologies found that 84% of companies have high risk vulnerabilities that are accessible on the network perimeter.  The results are based on their network perimeter scan of selected corporate information systems, where t… Continue reading 84% of Companies Have High Risk Vulnerabilities

90% of Companies Faced Increased Cyberattacks During COVID-19

A recent global study by Tanium of 1,000 CXOs reported on the effects of COVID-19 on enterprise and government organizations. 90 percent of those surveyed said they experienced an increase in cyberattacks due to the pandemic. But at the same time, a gr… Continue reading 90% of Companies Faced Increased Cyberattacks During COVID-19

New Study Says Cyber Security Technology Isn’t as Effective As It Should Be

A new study by Debate Security finds that the efficacy problems in cyber security are more related to economic issues rather than technology issues.  It found that companies when evaluating which cyber security software to purchase, didn’t include eval… Continue reading New Study Says Cyber Security Technology Isn’t as Effective As It Should Be

Why Do Zero Day Security Technologies Fail to Protect Against Zero Day Attacks?

Today’s security technologies fail to detect true zero day attacks, K2 has a video that explains why these security technologies fail to protect against zero day attacks and the need for deterministic security.
The post Why Do Zero Day Security Techno… Continue reading Why Do Zero Day Security Technologies Fail to Protect Against Zero Day Attacks?

More Cyberattacks in the First Half of 2020 Than in All of 2019

A recent study by CrowdStrike showed more cyberattacks in the first six months of this year than in all of 2019 in the network activity of Crowdstrike customers.  It’s a trend that’s been confirmed by other recent studies done this year.
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