Collaboration is key to a secure web application architecture

TechTarget recently ran an interview with “Web Application Security” author Andrew Hoffman, who explained the importance of a secure web application architecture and how to achieve it through collaboration between software and security engineers.
The p… Continue reading Collaboration is key to a secure web application architecture

IT Pros Prefer Best of Breed Security vs. Single Vendor Solutions

A recent Ponemon study found that 71% of IT professionals prefer to use best-of-breed security solutions rather than get all of their security tools from a single vendor.  This finding is especially important in the light of recent security architectur… Continue reading IT Pros Prefer Best of Breed Security vs. Single Vendor Solutions

60% of Organizations had an OWASP Top 10 Attack in the Last Year

An ESG report on Modern Applicaton Development Security released in August of 2020 found that 60 percent of organizations had experienced an attack on an OWASP Top 10 vulnerability in the prior 12 months.
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5 Ways Your Software Supply Chain is Out to Get You, Part 3: Exploit Open Source Libraries

In previous posts, we explained how two kinds of supply chain attack methods, Vendor Compromise and Exploit Third Party Applications, are threatening software supply chains, transferring an extraordinary amount of risk downstream to the organizations a… Continue reading 5 Ways Your Software Supply Chain is Out to Get You, Part 3: Exploit Open Source Libraries

Cyber Attacks On The Rise For Businesses

A new report, the Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2021, surveyed over 6,000 companies in the U.S. and Europe and found that the number of businesses targeted by cyber criminals in the past year increased from 38% to 43%, with over a quarter of those targ… Continue reading Cyber Attacks On The Rise For Businesses

84% of Codebases Contain Open Source Vulnerabilities

A new report from Synopsys examined audit data from 1,500 + commercial codebases to examine how organizations are using open source code.  The past year with the COVID pandemic saw a significant increase from last year’s report, with the number of open… Continue reading 84% of Codebases Contain Open Source Vulnerabilities

75% of Leaders Lack Confidence in Their Web Application Security

Cymatic  released new survey results from C-suite and VP-level executives in IT and cybersecurity detailing the state of web application security. The survey included some troubling results, including the finding that 75 percent of IT leaders lacked co… Continue reading 75% of Leaders Lack Confidence in Their Web Application Security

Over 40% of Applications Actively Leaking Data

Security magazine recently reported on  WhiteHat Security’s AppSec Stats Flash Volume 3, the latest installment of the company’s monthly report and podcast reflecting on the current state of application security and the wider cyber threat landscape.  O… Continue reading Over 40% of Applications Actively Leaking Data

One-Third of Organizations Take No Action After Detecting a Cyber Attack

ZDNet recently wrote about some new statistics from the annual Cyber Security Breaches Survey from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), including the surprising statistic that 1/3 of organizations take no action after a cyber at… Continue reading One-Third of Organizations Take No Action After Detecting a Cyber Attack

Average Enterprise Runs 464 Custom Applications

According to a report published by the Cloud Security Alliance, the average enterprise has 464 custom applications deployed today.  Security for custom applications is more important than ever. It’s time to look at RASP technologies.
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