Third-Party Ransomware Attack Compromises Data of 16,000 Redwood Eye Care Center Patients

Ransomware has struck again in the medical sector, this time affecting ophthalmology practice Redwood Eye Care Center in California through a security incident at a third party, its EMR hosting vendor. Personal data of as many as 16,055 California resi… Continue reading Third-Party Ransomware Attack Compromises Data of 16,000 Redwood Eye Care Center Patients

New Ransomware Spreading Rapidly in China Infected Over 100,000 PCs

A new piece of ransomware is spreading rapidly across China that has already infected more than 100,000 computers in the last four days as a result of a supply-chain attack… and the number of infected users is continuously increasing every hour.

Wha… Continue reading New Ransomware Spreading Rapidly in China Infected Over 100,000 PCs

U.S Charges Two Iranian Hackers for SamSam Ransomware Attacks

The Department of Justice announced Wednesday charges against two Iranian nationals for their involvement in creating and deploying the notorious SamSam ransomware.

The alleged hackers, Faramarz Shahi Savandi, 34, and Mohammad Mehdi Shah, 27, have bee… Continue reading U.S Charges Two Iranian Hackers for SamSam Ransomware Attacks

Podcast: A Utility Ransomware Attack, Post-Hurricane

A “critical water utility” was hit by a recent ransomware attack, significantly impeding the service in the week after Hurricane Florence hit the East Coast of the U.S. The Onslow Water and Sewer Authority (ONWASA) said in a Monday release … Continue reading Podcast: A Utility Ransomware Attack, Post-Hurricane

In County Crippled by Hurricane, Water Utility Targeted in Ransomware Attack

The Emotet Trojan is behind a crippling ransomware attack that hit the Onslow Water and Sewer Authority. Continue reading In County Crippled by Hurricane, Water Utility Targeted in Ransomware Attack

New Malware Combines Ransomware, Coin Mining and Botnet Features in One

Windows and Linux users need to beware, as an all-in-one, destructive malware strain has been discovered in the wild that features multiple malware capabilities including ransomware, cryptocurrency miner, botnet, and self-propagating worm targeting Lin… Continue reading New Malware Combines Ransomware, Coin Mining and Botnet Features in One

Ransomware Attack Takes Down Bristol Airport’s Flight Display Screens

Bristol Airport has blamed a ransomware attack for causing a blackout of flight information screens for two days over the weekend.

The airport said that the attack started Friday morning, taking out several computers over the airport network, includin… Continue reading Ransomware Attack Takes Down Bristol Airport’s Flight Display Screens

Bristol Airport Hit by Ransomware, Officials Use Whiteboards to Announce Flights

The Bristol Airport in the UK has become a victim of a ransomware attack. As a result, the airport’s in-house TV screens needed to display arrival and departure flight information were affected and literally blacked out. The attack happened sever… Continue reading Bristol Airport Hit by Ransomware, Officials Use Whiteboards to Announce Flights

Mongo Lock Ransomware Deletes Vulnerable MongoDB Databases

Mongo Lock is a new attack that is aimed at MongoDB databases which have no protection and remote access left open. Mongo Lock is a ransomware threat, which wipes these databases and uses extortion tactics like any other ransomware to…Read more
The p… Continue reading Mongo Lock Ransomware Deletes Vulnerable MongoDB Databases