Snatch Ransomware Reboots Windows in Safe Mode to Bypass Antivirus

Cybersecurity researchers have spotted a new variant of the Snatch ransomware that first reboots infected Windows computers into Safe Mode and only then encrypts victims’ files to avoid antivirus detection.

Unlike traditional malware, the new Snatch r… Continue reading Snatch Ransomware Reboots Windows in Safe Mode to Bypass Antivirus

Customers complain after alarms go offline, as security firm hit by ransomware attack

Earlier this week Spanish security firm Prosegur shut down its network after its systems were hit by a ransomware infection. The first reports that the company – which employs 170,000 staff worldwide, and operates a fleet of 10,000 armoured secur… Continue reading Customers complain after alarms go offline, as security firm hit by ransomware attack