Facebook Confirms it Has Banned Rapper Lil B for ‘Hate Speech’
The BasedGod has earned a 30-day suspension for discussing race. Continue reading Facebook Confirms it Has Banned Rapper Lil B for ‘Hate Speech’
Collaborate Disseminate
The BasedGod has earned a 30-day suspension for discussing race. Continue reading Facebook Confirms it Has Banned Rapper Lil B for ‘Hate Speech’
Many of us made soda bottle rockets for science class. Some of us didn’t have that opportunity, and made them in the backyard because that’s what cool kids do. Water rockets work on the premise that if water is evacuated from one side of a container, the container will accelerate away from the evacuation point. Usually, this takes the form of a 2-liter bottle, a tire pump and some cardboard fins. [François Gissy] modified the design but not the principle for his water trike which reached 261 kph or 162mph.
Parts for the trike won’t be found in the average …read more
[Big Fish Motorsports] has a vehicle with an adjustable rear spoiler system that broke in the lead up to a big race. The original builder had since gone AWOL so the considerable talents of [Quinn Dunki] were brought to bear in getting it working again.
Cracking open the black control box of mystery revealed an Arduino, a ProtoShield and the first major road block: the Arduino remained stubbornly incommunicado despite several different methods of trying to read the source code. Turns out the Arduino’s ATMega324 was configured to be unreadable or simply fried, but an ATMega128 [Quinn] had proved to …read more
Continue reading Spoiler Alert! Repairing A Race Car Can Get Complicated, Fast.
Like the Raspberry Pi, the BBC Micro Bit had a goal of being foremost an educational device. Such an inexpensive computer works well with the current trend of cutting public school budgets wherever possible while still being able to get kids interested in coding and computers in general. While both computers have been co-opted by hackers for all kinds of projects (the Pi especially), [David]’s latest build keeps at least his grandkids interested in computers by using the Micro Bit to add some cool features to an old toy.
The toy in question is an old Scalextric slot car racetrack …read more
Bae is a dating app geared toward young black professionals. But privacy is a big part of their model too. Continue reading Dating While Black: The Privacy Risks and Rewards of Niche Dating Apps