Shadow Brokers investigation is focusing on former NSA insider

The U.S. government’s counter intelligence investigation into the so-called Shadow Brokers group is currently focused on identifying a disgruntled, former U.S. intelligence community insider, multiple people familiar with the matter told CyberScoop. Sources tell CyberScoop that former NSA employees have been contacted by investigators in the probe to discover how a bevy of elite computer hacking tools fell into the Shadow Brokers’ possession. Those sources asked for anonymity due to sensitivity of the investigation. While investigators believe that a former insider is involved, the expansive probe also spans other possibilities, including the threat of a current intelligence community employee being connected to the mysterious group. The investigatory effort is being led by a combination of professionals from the FBI, National Counterintelligence and Security Center, and NSA’s internal policing group known as Q Group. It’s not clear if the former insider was once a contractor or in-house employee of the secretive […]

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