Our smart future and the threat of cyber-kinetic attacks

A growing number of today’s entertainment options show protagonists battling cyber-attacks that target the systems at the heart of our critical infrastructure whose failure would cripple modern society. It’s easy to watch such shows and pass off their … Continue reading Our smart future and the threat of cyber-kinetic attacks

Chinese hackers starting to return focus to U.S. corporations

Security researchers recently found a hacking group with suspected ties to the Chinese government engaged in what appears to be corporate espionage against multiple U.S. companies. The findings underscore an emerging, albeit opaque trend in which hackers linked to Beijing are conducting economic, cyber-enabled espionage, despite the Chinese Communist Party agreeing to stop such activity against the U.S. as part of a 2015 agreement between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S President Barack Obama. Experts say the 2015 truce resulted in a noticeable downturn in economic espionage. But there are signs the agreement may be deteriorating under the Trump administration.  According to recent research by multinational services giant PwC, a hacking group known as “KeyBoy” has returned to the fold with a data theft campaign aimed primarily at Western organizations. The operation, PwC Threat Intelligence Analyst Bart Parys told CyberScoop, shows the continued technical development of a previously reported group that has apparently […]

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Private sector task force wants more ‘leverage’ for cybersecurity defenses

The key to making cyberspace safe is giving defense-oriented security professionals “leverage over attackers at the lowest cost and the greatest scale”, according to a new report released Thursday by the New York Cyber Task Force (NYCTF). Comprised of principals from major firms – Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, PwC, McKinsey, and more – the NYCTF came together one year ago to identify “frictionless areas” for private sector cybersecurity improvements, explained Merit Janow, Dean of Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and a Co-Chair of the NYCTF. “It was important for us to have New York in the title,” said Jason Healey, Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and executive director of the report. “When talking about cybersecurity, Washington D.C. can get caught up in pessimistic views, and Silicon Valley can get caught up in techno enthusiasm. New York had a unique voice […]

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Businesses finally realize that cyber defenses must evolve

Cybersecurity is finally getting the attention it deserves – it is only regrettable that this good news is the result of bad news: more numerous, complex, and damaging cyber attacks than ever before. Cybersecurity takes a step forward “The WannaCry ransomware attacks have recently made the headlines around the world. This attack was a wake-up call for many organizations and, in particular, for those that believed they could never be a target (e.g. manufacturing companies),” … More Continue reading Businesses finally realize that cyber defenses must evolve

Insurance industry increasingly anxious about its own cyber risks

Insurance companies are worried more than ever about cybersecurity, which is rated one of the top three risks the global industry faces for the first time in a recent survey. Insurance Banana Skins 2017, published last week by London-based think tank the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, is the sixth biennial survey of its kind, conducted with support from professional services firm PwC. The survey, of 836 insurance practitioners and observers in 52 countries, found growing levels of anxiety in the industry. Globally, the top 10 risks were rated as follows (with the rating from the last survey in 2015 in brackets): Change management (6) Cyber risk (4) Technology (-) Interest rates (3) Investment performance (5) Regulation (1) Macro-economy (2) Competition (-) Human talent (15) Guaranteed products (7) “The three highest risks form a cluster around the theme of technological change and industry response,” reads the survey report. “The top […]

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Beyond concerns about AI, consumers see usefulness — particularly in cybersecurity, privacy

Almost two-thirds of American consumers welcome advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and cybersecurity is among the areas where assistance from AI has the most appeal, according to a new survey. Sixty-three percent of consumers agree AI will “help solve complex problems that plague modern societies,” according to the survey, published Tuesday by the accounting and consulting firm PwC. When respondents were asked about different kinds of issues that AI might help with, 68 percent highlighted cybersecurity and privacy, while 66 percent chose its importance in helping to solve cancer and other diseases and 71 percent agreed AI could provide educational help to disadvantaged schoolchildren. “Despite the doomsday scenarios painted by Hollywood and news media, most consumers are optimistic about AI’s potential for good,” states the report, titled “Bot.Me: A revolutionary partnership.” On the other hand, almost half of respondents — 46 percent — said they believe AI will harm people by taking away jobs. […]

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The Value of a Hacked Company

Most organizations only grow in security maturity the hard way — that is, from the intense learning that takes place in the wake of a costly data breach. That may be because so few company leaders really grasp the centrality of computer and network security to the organization’s overall goals and productivity, and fewer still have taken an honest inventory of what may be at stake in the event that these assets are compromised. Continue reading The Value of a Hacked Company

The Value of a Hacked Company

Most organizations only grow in security maturity the hard way — that is, from the intense learning that takes place in the wake of a costly data breach. That may be because so few company leaders really grasp the centrality of computer and network security to the organization’s overall goals and productivity, and fewer still have taken an honest inventory of what may be at stake in the event that these assets are compromised. Continue reading The Value of a Hacked Company