The Tech That Died in 2023

We don’t indulge too often in looking back, but [Chole Albanesisu] at PC Magazine did and wrote the tech obituary for all the tech gadgets and services that died over …read more Continue reading The Tech That Died in 2023
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We don’t indulge too often in looking back, but [Chole Albanesisu] at PC Magazine did and wrote the tech obituary for all the tech gadgets and services that died over …read more Continue reading The Tech That Died in 2023
I’ve recently came across to a currently active underground marketplace forum proposition that’s basically offering and selling Apple themed products… Continue reading Cybercriminals Offer Apple Themed Discounted Products For Sale On Major Cybercrime Friendly Forum Community – An Analysis
In my last post we looked into why Zero Trust is not this huge revolutionary vision but something reflecting today’s reality. Technology is ready to go –technology is ready for you to embark on a journey and start to align your security arc… Continue reading Zero Trust: Identity at the Core
Since Covd-19 started, I probably talked more about Zero Trust than ever before. Not that the concept is new, but the pressure to apply it, suddenly increased dramatically with all the users sitting at home and not within the “well-protected̶… Continue reading Why Zero Trust reflects today’s challenges
We talked about this very often so far: Passwords are by far the weakest link when it comes to security today. 81% of successful attacks involve lost, breached or re-used passwords. There is another fairly current article mentioning that, even when it … Continue reading Hackers don’t break in – they log in
< Deutsch weiter unten> Yes, I am sitting in my Home Office – as you might these days. Maybe the difference is that I am more or less used to this situation, my family knows how to cope with it and I have the infrastructure to do so. Talk… Continue reading Secure Virtual Coffee – Top of Mind?
Salesforce Commerce Cloud, also known as Demandware, is used by some of the worlds largest brands for marketing, customer interaction, and to process online shopping transactions. Given the importance of the platform, and the sensitivity of the data it… Continue reading Protection against Magecart with new Instart Web Skimming Protection for Salesforce Commerce Cloud
Note: This blog has been reposted from Truffle Suite’s blog. We are proud to announce our new smart contract security product: Crytic provides continuous assurance for smart contracts. The platform reports build status on ever… Continue reading Crytic: Continuous Assurance for Smart Contracts
That’s not a bad start of the day, reading such a headline from a Forrester analyst. I am often asked, how far we are going to drive security within Microsoft. Well, I guess here you have an answer from an outsider: Make No Mistake — Micros… Continue reading Make No Mistake — Microsoft Is A Security Company Now
Brian Kelly is Head of Conjur Engineering at CyberArk, where he focuses on creating products that add much-needed security and identity management to the landscape of DevOps tools and cloud systems. Full Show NotesFollow us on Twitter: https://www.twit… Continue reading Brian Kelly, CyberArk – Application Security Weekly #39