Managing and monitoring privileged access to cloud ecosystems

Cloud data breaches are on the rise, demonstrating time and again the need for a different approach and strategy when it comes to managing and monitoring privileged access to cloud ecosystems. Privilege access management (PAM) should: Be risk-aware and… Continue reading Managing and monitoring privileged access to cloud ecosystems

Attackers are exploiting vulnerable WP plugins to backdoor sites

A group of attackers that has been injecting WordPress-based sites with a script redirecting visitors to malicious and fraudulent pages has now also started backdooring the vulnerable installations, Wordfence’s Mikey Veenstra warns. The attacks T… Continue reading Attackers are exploiting vulnerable WP plugins to backdoor sites

Red Flag Alert: Service Accounts Performing Interactive Logins

In the world of account security, we often focus on end user accounts as the weak vector vulnerable to attackers. 
On the contrary, we at Preempt see something that happens just as frequently: failing to limit exposed and vulnerable service a… Continue reading Red Flag Alert: Service Accounts Performing Interactive Logins

Protecting your organization against privileged identity theft

What do the top data breaches of the 21st century have in common? Privileged identity abuse. In these breach instances, well-resourced, external actors were able to gain the credentials of users with access to privileged accounts – such as administrati… Continue reading Protecting your organization against privileged identity theft

How privileged insiders threaten the security of global organizations

A new global survey from BeyondTrust explores the visibility, control, and management that IT organizations in the U.S., APAC, Europe and the Middle East have over employees, contractors, and third-party vendors with privileged access to their IT netwo… Continue reading How privileged insiders threaten the security of global organizations

Security overconfidence and immaturity continue to endanger organizations

The majority of organizations are ill-prepared to protect themselves against privileged access abuse, the leading cyber-attack vector, according to Centrify and Techvangelism. Seventy-nine percent of organizations do not have a mature approach to Privi… Continue reading Security overconfidence and immaturity continue to endanger organizations

What State-Sponsored Attacks Can Teach Us About Conditional Access

People often think that state-sponsored attacks from groups like Lazarus (North Korea), Fancy Bear (Russia) or menuPass (China) only target public federal organizations in Western nations like the U.S. This is simply not the case. In fact, attacks… Continue reading What State-Sponsored Attacks Can Teach Us About Conditional Access

85% of organizations fail to meet even basic PAM security hygiene

While nearly four out of five organizations (78 percent) now include privileged credential protection as part of their cybersecurity policies, their privileged access management (PAM) security practices are woefully lacking and even worse than you migh… Continue reading 85% of organizations fail to meet even basic PAM security hygiene

Conditional Access Establishes Trust In the Network

Stolen or compromised credentials pose well-known risks to organizations and their employees. And as hackers and other malicious actors become more advanced and sophisticated in their techniques, the global threat is increasing. At a recent I… Continue reading Conditional Access Establishes Trust In the Network