Best practice on Windows domains: To have a separate admin account or not?

On Linux, we enforce least privilege through sudo. This gives the best of both worlds: Passwords and accounts are for a person, as they should be, not a role. But we lower risk and exposure by only using privileges when we … Continue reading Best practice on Windows domains: To have a separate admin account or not?

How does separating concerns into separate processes (without enforcement) help security?

In this talk on privilege separation, Theo de Raadt explains that OpenBSD’s ntpd has a master process which calls settimeofday(), a DNS process responsible for querying DNS servers, and an NTP protocol process which is respon… Continue reading How does separating concerns into separate processes (without enforcement) help security?

How does separating concerns into separate processes (without enforcement) help security?

In this talk on privilege separation, Theo de Raadt explains that OpenBSD’s ntpd has a master process which calls settimeofday(), a DNS process responsible for querying DNS servers, and an NTP protocol process which is respon… Continue reading How does separating concerns into separate processes (without enforcement) help security?

How does separating concerns into separate processes (without enforcement) help security?

In this talk on privilege separation, Theo de Raadt explains that OpenBSD’s ntpd has a master process which calls settimeofday(), a DNS process responsible for querying DNS servers, and an NTP protocol process which is respon… Continue reading How does separating concerns into separate processes (without enforcement) help security?