The National Park Service Promises to Reinstate 92 Climate Change Pages Removed From Website

Dozens of documents outlining how national parks will address climate change were removed from the agency’s website this month. Continue reading The National Park Service Promises to Reinstate 92 Climate Change Pages Removed From Website

After AlphaBay’s Demise, Customers Flocked to Dark Market Run by Dutch Police

Earlier this month, news broke that authorities had seized the Dark Web marketplace AlphaBay, an online black market that peddled everything from heroin to stolen identity and credit card data. But it wasn’t until today, when the U.S. Justice Department held a press conference to detail the AlphaBay takedown that the other shoe dropped: Police in The Netherlands for the past month have been operating Hansa Market, a competing Dark Web bazaar that enjoyed a massive influx of new customers immediately after the AlphaBay takedown. Continue reading After AlphaBay’s Demise, Customers Flocked to Dark Market Run by Dutch Police

Lawmakers soundly reject the idea of a U.S.-Russia cybersecurity unit

Capitol Hill wants no part of President Donald Trump’s plan to create a cybersecurity working group with the Russian government; an idea that was first revealed following a private meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the 2017 G20 Summit. The backlash comes following Trump’s participation in the G20 summit last week, where he met with Putin on a number of issues. Sunday morning, Trump tweeted that the two countries discussed forming an “impenetrable Cyber Security unit.” Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017 Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., filed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act Monday that would block Trump from creating such a diplomatic unit. Separately, Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Pa., introduced a standalone bill Monday that “prohibit[s] the United States from participating in any type […]

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