Practice While You Work

This week, I had to do something I haven’t done in a long, long time: make myself a custom PCB the old-fashioned way, with laser toner and etchant. The reason? …read more Continue reading Practice While You Work
Collaborate Disseminate
This week, I had to do something I haven’t done in a long, long time: make myself a custom PCB the old-fashioned way, with laser toner and etchant. The reason? …read more Continue reading Practice While You Work
Anyone sharing a home with a musician will appreciate advances in technology that make for quieter practice. Wearing headphones while playing electronic drums is already a good way to keep the noise down, but Roland’s latest release is claimed to deliv… Continue reading Roland declares war on in-room noise with V-Drums Quiet Design
It’s a constant battle for musicians — how to practice your instrument without bothering those around you? Many of us live in apartments or shared accommodation, and having to wait …read more Continue reading Rock Out Without Getting Knocked Out
Shenzhen’s Natasha Guitars has launched a Kickstarter for a bamboo smart guitar called the NBSG that comes with sound processing brains offering different tone presets, onboard effects, app control, and wireless output.Continue ReadingCategory: Music, … Continue reading Bamboo smart guitar cuts the cord with onboard wireless transmission
It might seem antiquated, but Morse code still has a number of advantages compared to other modes of communication, especially over radio waves. It’s low bandwidth compared to voice or …read more Continue reading Morse Code Clock For Training Hams
Do you ever get a project stuck in your mind? An idea so good you just keep thinking about it? Going over iterations and options and pros and cons in …read more Continue reading Dream Projects Face Reality
My son was into “Secret Coders“, a graphic novel series wherein a pair of kids discover and thwart a plot to take over the world by learning to program in …read more Continue reading The Real World Strikes Back
When Spain’s Ramon Mañas moved to Berlin to study music, he started learning the saxophone. But as the sax is a loud instrument, he couldn’t do so when and where he liked. This led to the development of the small and light Travel Sax, which could be pl… Continue reading Travel Sax 2 lets players practice without disturbing others
If you’ve taken a physics class, you’ve doubtless heard tales of mythical beasts like the massless string, the frictionless bearing, and the perfect sphere. And if you’re designing something new, …read more Continue reading The Devil is in the Details
Thinking of taking the F5 Certified 101 or 201 exams but not sure if you are ready? Ease the anxiety by taking a F5 Practice Exam! That’s what I did, and it sure helped. If you remember, back in August I attempted the 201-TMOS Administrator exam … Continue reading F5 Certified Practice Exams