Roland declares war on in-room noise with V-Drums Quiet Design

Anyone sharing a home with a musician will appreciate advances in technology that make for quieter practice. Wearing headphones while playing electronic drums is already a good way to keep the noise down, but Roland’s latest release is claimed to deliv… Continue reading Roland declares war on in-room noise with V-Drums Quiet Design

Bamboo smart guitar cuts the cord with onboard wireless transmission

Shenzhen’s Natasha Guitars has launched a Kickstarter for a bamboo smart guitar called the NBSG that comes with sound processing brains offering different tone presets, onboard effects, app control, and wireless output.Continue ReadingCategory: Music, … Continue reading Bamboo smart guitar cuts the cord with onboard wireless transmission

Travel Sax 2 lets players practice without disturbing others

When Spain’s Ramon Mañas moved to Berlin to study music, he started learning the saxophone. But as the sax is a loud instrument, he couldn’t do so when and where he liked. This led to the development of the small and light Travel Sax, which could be pl… Continue reading Travel Sax 2 lets players practice without disturbing others