Set-ExecutionPolicy – Mastering PowerShell Execution Policy

PowerShell is considered secure by default due to various design principles and features that Microsoft incorporated into its architecture. These measures aim to ensure that PowerShell provides a robust, yet safe, scripting environment for system administration tasks. One feature of PowerShell that contributes to this are known as execution policies, which can be set using…

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Get-ADComputer: The PowerShell Command for Managing Active Directory Computers

The Get-ADComputer PowerShell cmdlet is a powerful tool for managing AD computers. It can be used to retrieve information about computer objects, search for computer objects based on specific criteria, and perform various actions on computer objects. What is Get-ADComputer used for? Get-ADComputer is a PowerShell cmdlet that retrieves one or more computers from Active…

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Can already opened event logs of PowerShell’s event properties screens on Windows be hacked by hackers in milliseconds?

I am wondering some issues about event log safety of powershell. I think is it possible to alter the powershell itself. But theorically the event log should show us every attempt made in powershell such as opening commands or codes that ma… Continue reading Can already opened event logs of PowerShell’s event properties screens on Windows be hacked by hackers in milliseconds?

Can already opened event logs of PowerShell’s event properties screens on Windows be hacked by hackers in milliseconds?

I am wondering some issues about event log safety of powershell. I think is it possible to alter the powershell itself. But theorically the event log should show us every attempt made in powershell such as opening commands or codes that ma… Continue reading Can already opened event logs of PowerShell’s event properties screens on Windows be hacked by hackers in milliseconds?

Master the Power of File and Directory Management with Get-ChildItem in PowerShell

The Get-ChildItem PowerShell cmdlet is a powerful tool for listing files and folders in a variety of ways. In this blog post, we will explore the different features of the Get-ChildItem cmdlet and show you how to use it to get the most out of your PowerShell experience. What is Get-ChildItem? At a high level,…

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PowerShell Crescendo 1.1.0 is Now Generally Available

Microsoft has announced the general availability of PowerShell Crescendo 1.1.0 for all its customers. This latest iteration brings several improvements, such as a brand-new cmdlet, enhanced error handling capabilities, a new method to bypass output handling, and support for argument value transformations, among other exciting features. “Crescendo is a development accelerator enabling you to rapidly…

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How to Use the PowerShell Get-MessageTrace Command in Office 365

The PowerShell Get-MessageTrace command can help Office 365 admins track down the delivery and processing of email messages that may not be getting into their users’ mailboxes. In this article, I’ll show you how to use the Get-MessageTrace command to manage and analyze email message traces in Office 365. Using PowerShell Get-MessageTrace with Exchange Online…

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