Google Warns of Growing Android Attack Vector: Backdoored SDKs and Pre-Installed Apps

Google said in 2018 it tracked a rise in the number of potentially harmful apps found on Android devices that were either pre-installed or delivered via over-the-air updates. Continue reading Google Warns of Growing Android Attack Vector: Backdoored SDKs and Pre-Installed Apps

ThreatList: Google Play Nine Times Safer Than Third-Party App Stores

Out of the 2 billion Android users out there, the rate of potential malware infection is less than 1 percent across the board, Google says. Continue reading ThreatList: Google Play Nine Times Safer Than Third-Party App Stores

Google Making Life Difficult for Ransomware to Thrive on Android

At the Kaspersky Lab Security Analyst Summit, Android Security Team malware analyst Elena Kovakina explained Google’s strategy for countering ransomware on Android. Continue reading Google Making Life Difficult for Ransomware to Thrive on Android

Half of Android Devices Unpatched Last Year

Google said half of Android devices are unpatched and that percentage of potentially harmful apps on phones installed from all sources rose in 2016. Continue reading Half of Android Devices Unpatched Last Year

Android Security Report: 29 Percent of Active Devices Not Up To Patch Levels

Google released its annual Android Security Report, a state of the union on the Android ecosystem. Continue reading Android Security Report: 29 Percent of Active Devices Not Up To Patch Levels