How can you attack or redirect the client from the server over an RDP or SSH conneciton? [closed]

I have a penetration testing scenario where I am on the network with two machines, Machine A and Machine B. I have complete control over Machine B and am trying to leverage that to get access to Machine A. Machine A appears to be some vari… Continue reading How can you attack or redirect the client from the server over an RDP or SSH conneciton? [closed]

What are the ways to attack the client if you have full control of the server, over an RDP or SSH connection?

I am not sure whether I accurately captured this question with the title, so let me explain it.
I have a penetration testing scenario where I am on the network with two machines, Machine A and Machine B. I have complete control over Machin… Continue reading What are the ways to attack the client if you have full control of the server, over an RDP or SSH connection?