Light-activated concrete scrubs air pollution out of traffic tunnels

Traffic is among the biggest sources of air pollution, but what if the very roads they drive on could help clear the air? Engineers in Korea have now demonstrated that photocatalytic concrete can help reduce pollution in tunnels.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading Light-activated concrete scrubs air pollution out of traffic tunnels

Methane-Tracking Satellites Hunt For Nasty Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Much of the reporting around climate change focuses on carbon dioxide. It’s public enemy number one when it comes to gases that warm the atmosphere, as a primary byproduct of …read more Continue reading Methane-Tracking Satellites Hunt For Nasty Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Indoor plants are surprisingly good at devouring carcinogenic toxins

Researchers have demonstrated how effective plants are at ridding the air in your home, school, or workplace of toxic, carcinogenic pollutants, providing a sustainable, low-cost way of ensuring that the air you breathe is cleaner.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Indoor plants are surprisingly good at devouring carcinogenic toxins

Pomegranate extract has an appetite for waterborne pharmaceuticals

In recent years, pomegranate-derived compounds have been shown to slow cellular aging, protect unborn babies’ brains, and serve as additives in better automotive materials. Now, they’ve also been used to remove pharmaceuticals from wastewater.Continue … Continue reading Pomegranate extract has an appetite for waterborne pharmaceuticals

Ocean Cleanup looks to halt flow of plastic trash from Indonesian river

The Ocean Cleanup is possibly best known for deploying huge trash collectors to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, but has also sought to prevent plastic waste from reaching the oceans. The latest Interceptor vessel will prevent around 1,000 tons of plas… Continue reading Ocean Cleanup looks to halt flow of plastic trash from Indonesian river

Reusable nanoparticle-coated sponge removes heavy metals from water

Removing heavy metal pollutants from water could soon be easier than ever, thanks to an experimental new sponge. With just one treatment, the device brought contaminated water down to safely drinkable levels.Continue ReadingCategory: Environment, Scien… Continue reading Reusable nanoparticle-coated sponge removes heavy metals from water

Air pollution strikes at the heart, linked to rhythm disturbances

We expect air pollution to negatively affect the lungs, and studies have proven that to be the case. However, new research has shown that air pollution also affects the heart and can lead to rhythm disturbances called arrhythmias. Chinese researchers u… Continue reading Air pollution strikes at the heart, linked to rhythm disturbances

Multi-functional “superfoam” soaks up oil spills and kills bacteria

Scientists at the University of Georgia have created a “superfoam” with two very valuable potential applications. It could be used not only to clean up oil spills, but also to keep infections from occurring at medical implant sites.Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading Multi-functional “superfoam” soaks up oil spills and kills bacteria

Sound can successfully remove microplastics from water

There’s no debate that microplastics present an ever-increasing ecological and health threat, with scientists just starting to understand the extent of these tiny particles and their impact on organisms, from marine life to humans. A 2019 study reveale… Continue reading Sound can successfully remove microplastics from water