ping is working but hping (icmp host unreachable) and nmap (host is down) are not working for all websites [migrated]

I installed hping and nmap tools for the first time. Both tools can’t connect to any website including, but ping command works
[heman@Main ~]$ ping
PING (2404:6800:4009:810::2… Continue reading ping is working but hping (icmp host unreachable) and nmap (host is down) are not working for all websites [migrated]

This Week in Security: Rackspace Falls Over, Poison Ping, and the WordPress Race

In what’s being described as a Humpty-Dumpty incident, Rackspace customers have lost access to their hosted Exchange service, and by extension, lots of archived emails. The first official word of …read more Continue reading This Week in Security: Rackspace Falls Over, Poison Ping, and the WordPress Race

How can Alice ping and authenticate Bob without any of them sharing their public keyes beforehand

Both hosts have just their public and private key pair (but they do not have the other party’s public key).
Bob should be authenticated
Assume that the two hosts share clocks that are synced, i.e timestamps can be used.

I have not found … Continue reading How can Alice ping and authenticate Bob without any of them sharing their public keyes beforehand

Using netfilterqueue I can’t ping correctly when modifying a packet and sending it with scapy? [migrated]

I have a program that captures packets on my kali virtual machine and stores them in a queue table by the commands:
iptables -I INPUT -j NFQUEUE –queue-num 0
iptables -I OUTPUT -j NFQUEUE –queue-num 0

So the queue number is 0, and here … Continue reading Using netfilterqueue I can’t ping correctly when modifying a packet and sending it with scapy? [migrated]

This Week in Security: Pacman, Hetzbleed, and The Death of Internet Explorer

There’s not one, but two side-channel attacks to talk about this week. Up first is Pacman, a bypass for ARM’s Pointer Authentication Code. PAC is a protection built into certain …read more Continue reading This Week in Security: Pacman, Hetzbleed, and The Death of Internet Explorer