Why We Value Inquiry Visibility Over … Well … Over Everything Else?

This fun discussion on industry analyst craft reminded me of an unfinished post I had sitting in my draft folder … for a year. And now it is finished! When we create research and decide to include or mention vendors [uh-oh, careful with the topic… Continue reading Why We Value Inquiry Visibility Over … Well … Over Everything Else?

Émilie du Châtelet: An Energetic Life

Émilie du Châtelet lived a wild, wild life. She was a brilliant polymath who made important contributions to the Enlightenment, including adding a mathematical statement of conservation of energy into her French translation of Newton’s Principia, debunking the phlogiston theory of fire, and suggesting that what we would call infrared light carried heat.

She had good company; she was Voltaire’s lover and companion for fifteen years, and she built a private research institution out of a château with him before falling in love with a younger poet. She was tutored in math by Maupertuis and corresponded with Bernoulli and …read more

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Joscha Bach, Ph.D., ‘The Lebowski Theorem of Machine Superintelligence’

via Jason Kottke, comes a Lebowski Cogitation with sterling credentials, in which, the Dude wades in with his take on machine learning (in reality {if you like that sort of thing} via a twitter message by Joscha Back, Ph.D.’s), utilizing the non-virtu… Continue reading Joscha Bach, Ph.D., ‘The Lebowski Theorem of Machine Superintelligence’

“Do They Have AI?” or That Rant on AI in Security

This post is inspired by a few painful discussions on artificial intelligence (AI) that I had both in public (on Twitter) and internally too. Let’s start with a joke: Q: How do you know that a security vendor REALLY uses AI in their product? A: I… Continue reading “Do They Have AI?” or That Rant on AI in Security