Perovskite memory device transmits data in both light and electricity

While the data on most memory devices can be read using electric signals, an emerging technology encodes data in light, so a system can read it back just by checking if an LED is on or off. Now, researchers have developed a new device based entirely on… Continue reading Perovskite memory device transmits data in both light and electricity

Transparent electrode lays foundation for see-through solar cells

With a view to one day developing transparent solar cells that can double as windows in homes and other buildings, an international team of scientists has demonstrated a new type of transparent electrode that can function as a key building block. The b… Continue reading Transparent electrode lays foundation for see-through solar cells

New state of matter unlocks a secret of perovskite solar cells

Perovskite solar cells are advancing at a rapid rate, and is drawing interest from scientists working to not just boost their performance but better understand how they offer such incredible, ever-increasing efficiencies. By turning their tools to pero… Continue reading New state of matter unlocks a secret of perovskite solar cells

“Molecular glue” strengthens the weak point in perovskite solar cells

In a relatively short space of time, perovskite solar cells have become a highly promising candidate when it comes to how we might generate electricity in the future, but there are some design problems to overcome first. These largely relate to stabili… Continue reading “Molecular glue” strengthens the weak point in perovskite solar cells

Carbon dots made from hair boost stability of perovskite solar cells

Over the past decade or so, gains in efficiency have seen perovskite solar cells become a highly promising technology in the realm of renewable energy, quickly coming to match or even outdo the performance of the monocrystalline silicon solar cells wid… Continue reading Carbon dots made from hair boost stability of perovskite solar cells

Sprinkle of chili compound boosts perovskite solar cell efficiency

A touch of chili peppers can spice up just about any dish – and maybe, it turns out, even solar cells. Researchers have now found that adding a sprinkle of capsaicin to a perovskite precursor can improve the efficiency of solar cells.Continue ReadingCa… Continue reading Sprinkle of chili compound boosts perovskite solar cell efficiency

New silicon/perovskite solar cell world record nears 30% efficiency

Silicon has long been the gold standard for solar cells, but it’s beginning to reach its limit. Perovskite is emerging as a promising partner, and now engineers have achieved a new efficiency record closing in on 30 percent for this kind of tandem sola… Continue reading New silicon/perovskite solar cell world record nears 30% efficiency

Old pigment brings some stability to new perovskite solar cell design

Perovskite solar cells have come along in leaps and bounds since they were first described in 2009, with efficiencies improving from around four percent to the mid- or even high twenties in recent designs. One drawback, however, is the notorious instab… Continue reading Old pigment brings some stability to new perovskite solar cell design

New technique rolls out 40 feet of perovskite solar film per minute

Perovskite solar cells are rapidly catching up to their silicon forebears in terms of efficiency, but one area they continue to lag behind in is production speed. Now, researchers at Stanford University have developed a new method of making perovskite … Continue reading New technique rolls out 40 feet of perovskite solar film per minute

Next-gen solar material excels at harvesting energy from indoor light

Perovskite solar cells have gained a lot of attention in research circles recently owing to significant and relatively fast leaps in its efficiency, but the toxic lead they contain is something engineers would rather do without. There are alternatives … Continue reading Next-gen solar material excels at harvesting energy from indoor light