3D Printering: Non-Planar Layer FDM

Non-planar layer Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is any form of fused deposition modeling where the 3D printed layers aren’t flat or of uniform thickness. For example, if you’re using mesh bed leveling on your 3D printer, you are already using non-planar layer FDM. But why stop at compensating for curved build plates? Non-planar layer FDM has more applications and there are quite a few projects out there exploring the possibilities. In this article, we are going to have a look at what the trick yields for us.

Smooth, Curved Surfaces

Non-planar-layer FDM allows for smooth, curved surfaces, which otherwise would …read more

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3D Printering: G-Code Post Processing With Perl

Most of our beloved tools, such as Slic3r, Cura or KISSlicer, offer scripting interfaces that help a great deal if your existing 3D printing toolchain has yet to learn how to produce decent results with a five headed thermoplastic spitting hydra. Using scripts, it’s possible to tweak the little bits it takes to get great results, inserting wipe or prime towers and purge moves on the fly, and if your setup requires it, also control additional servos and solenoids for the flamethrowers.

This article gives you a short introduction in how to post-process G-code using Perl and Slic3r. Perl Ninja …read more

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Public release of "allyourpebblearebelongtous" Perl script

Hello again readers and welcome back! This blog post is going to be fairly short, as the primary purpose is to publicly announce a new script, cleverly titled “allyourpebblearebelongtous.pl”. This Perl script will allow the user to parse out data from … Continue reading Public release of "allyourpebblearebelongtous" Perl script

Public release of "allyourpebblearebelongtous" Perl script

Hello again readers and welcome back! This blog post is going to be fairly short, as the primary purpose is to publicly announce a new script, cleverly titled “allyourpebblearebelongtous.pl”. This Perl script will allow the user to parse out data from … Continue reading Public release of "allyourpebblearebelongtous" Perl script

Minor Updates to Auto_rip

This is a quick post to pass along that I updated my auto_rip script. For those who may not know, auto_rip is a wrapper script for Harlan Carvey’s RegRipper program and it executes RegRipper’s plug-ins based on categories and in a specific order. To learn more about my script please see my previous post Unleashing auto_rip. The auto_rip updates are pretty minor. I separated out the changes to a change log instead of documenting changes in the script itself, added a device category (due to a new plug-in), and I added most of the new RegRipper plug-ins Harlan created (as of 7/30/15). The download location can be found on the right of my blog or using this link to its Google drive location.

****** 08/11/2015  Update *******

At this time I removed the compiled executable from auto_rip. The compiled executable is having issues and I’m working to resolve it. However, the perl script is present and works fine. As soon as I’m able to compile the script into an exe then I’ll add it back to the auto_rip archive Continue reading Minor Updates to Auto_rip

Minor Updates to Auto_rip

This is a quick post to pass along that I updated my auto_rip script. For those who may not know, auto_rip is a wrapper script for Harlan Carvey’s RegRipper program and it executes RegRipper’s plug-ins based on categories and in a specific order. To learn more about my script please see my previous post Unleashing auto_rip. The auto_rip updates are pretty minor. I separated out the changes to a change log instead of documenting changes in the script itself, added a device category (due to a new plug-in), and I added most of the new RegRipper plug-ins Harlan created (as of 7/30/15). The download location can be found on the right of my blog or using this link to its Google drive location.

****** 08/11/2015  Update *******

At this time I removed the compiled executable from auto_rip. The compiled executable is having issues and I’m working to resolve it. However, the perl script is present and works fine. As soon as I’m able to compile the script into an exe then I’ll add it back to the auto_rip archive Continue reading Minor Updates to Auto_rip