Twitter Has Suspended the TrumpBots
@PatrioticPepe and a series of automated accounts that replaced it have all been suspended by Twitter. Continue reading Twitter Has Suspended the TrumpBots
Collaborate Disseminate
@PatrioticPepe and a series of automated accounts that replaced it have all been suspended by Twitter. Continue reading Twitter Has Suspended the TrumpBots
@PatrioticPepe and a series of automated accounts that replaced it have all been suspended by Twitter. Continue reading Twitter Has Suspended the TrumpBots
When blocking hate speech, we should look at the source, not the words. Continue reading Scientists Invented a Tool to Expose 4chan’s Racist Trolling Campaigns
The alt-right’s rise wasn’t borne out of its own efforts; it was conjured by the endless attention it has provoked. Continue reading The Alt-Right Was Conjured Out of Pearl Clutching and Media Attention
“Guilt by association. Poor Pepe.” Continue reading Hillary Clinton Is Right: Pepe Is a White Supremacist