Introducing Windows Live Response Collection modules…and how to write your own!

Hello again readers and welcome back. Today I am very happy to announce the public release of the latest round of updates to the Live Response Collection. This release focuses on the “modules” that I touched briefly on in the last update. The size of t… Continue reading Introducing Windows Live Response Collection modules…and how to write your own!

Introducing Windows Live Response Collection modules…and how to write your own!

Hello again readers and welcome back. Today I am very happy to announce the public release of the latest round of updates to the Live Response Collection. This release focuses on the “modules” that I touched briefly on in the last update. The size of t… Continue reading Introducing Windows Live Response Collection modules…and how to write your own!

Teslacrypt vs open source tools

Hello again readers! Today’s blog post is going to cover a new “variant” of ransomware that has been deemed “Teslacrypt”, which was highlighted in a fairly detailed post by Vadim Kotov from Bromium Labs.  I was able to acquire two samples of Tesla… Continue reading Teslacrypt vs open source tools

Teslacrypt vs open source tools

Hello again readers! Today’s blog post is going to cover a new “variant” of ransomware that has been deemed “Teslacrypt”, which was highlighted in a fairly detailed post by Vadim Kotov from Bromium Labs.  I was able to acquire two samples of Tesla… Continue reading Teslacrypt vs open source tools