Android unlock password: how to get a good tradeoff between security and convenience?

My Android device has 3 authentication methods combined:

Text password (can use most symbols)
Password consisting of digits
Graphical password

As far as I know these are not only used to unlock the device’s screen, but also its disk is e… Continue reading Android unlock password: how to get a good tradeoff between security and convenience?

Android unlock password: how to get a good tradeoff between security and convenience?

My Android device has 3 authentication methods combined:

Text password (can use most symbols)
Password consisting of digits
Graphical password

As far as I know these are not only used to unlock the device’s screen, but also its disk is e… Continue reading Android unlock password: how to get a good tradeoff between security and convenience?

Is it safe to store a password using a secure hash followed by an insecure hash?

I’m working with some middleware that requires username/password authentication. The middleware uses MD5 hash for the password. The MD5 hash, of course, is not fit for the purpose of storing passwords. We need to address this.
We tried mod… Continue reading Is it safe to store a password using a secure hash followed by an insecure hash?

MFA still offers the best chance of keeping data secure

Keyavi Data issued a set of best practices for keeping personal and business data out of criminal hands using multi-factor authentication (MFA). These best practices explain why MFA remains one of the best defenses for mitigating password risk and prev… Continue reading MFA still offers the best chance of keeping data secure