What type of fraud enables attackers to make a living?

A consumer’s online account where they login and input their passwords is a very lucrative target for cybercriminals. In this Help Net Security video, David Senecal, VP of Architecture and Research at Arkose Labs, talks about the economics involv… Continue reading What type of fraud enables attackers to make a living?

Overcoming the roadblocks to passwordless authentication

It’s a well-known fact that humans are the weakest link in any security strategy. Verizon’s latest annual data breach report found that over 80% of breaches in the “Basic Web Application Attacks” incident pattern were due to stolen credentials. Not sur… Continue reading Overcoming the roadblocks to passwordless authentication

Using Single Sign-On and the usage of password managers is discouraged. Whay are alternatives for storing tokens for example?

What are the alternatives of storing tokens when password managers are discouraged?
Some of the ideas that come to my mind are storing in a text file and encrypting with GnuPG but that’s asks for extra password.

Continue reading Using Single Sign-On and the usage of password managers is discouraged. Whay are alternatives for storing tokens for example?

Why is not there encrypted way of sharing/showing data such as Password to the user (hidden from web app Source code)?

I wonder if there will be (or is) a way to hide data such as passwords from the HTML/DOM structure? As, password fields can hide from external person other than the main user with something like "••••••••" but this does not preve… Continue reading Why is not there encrypted way of sharing/showing data such as Password to the user (hidden from web app Source code)?

On the gains and losses of an additional client side stretching of the user password

Picture a state of the art implementation of a website registration and login system.
I’m interested in analyzing what a defender gains and loses by feeding the user password to a key-stretching KDF function (e.g. argon2).
Let’s start from… Continue reading On the gains and losses of an additional client side stretching of the user password