Is passwordless authentication actually the future?

While passwords may not be going away completely, 92 percent of respondents believe passwordless authentication is the future of their organization, according to a LastPass survey. Passwordless authentication reduces password related risks by enabling … Continue reading Is passwordless authentication actually the future?

COVID-19 Could Catalyze Passwordless Authentication

Passwords have always been a weak link in security, but people are so used to them that getting them to change to a more secure form of authentication has been a difficult task. Could COVID-19 be the catalyst that ends up ushering in passwordless acce… Continue reading COVID-19 Could Catalyze Passwordless Authentication

Hackers don’t break in – they log in

We talked about this very often so far: Passwords are by far the weakest link when it comes to security today. 81% of successful attacks involve lost, breached or re-used passwords. There is another fairly current article mentioning that, even when it … Continue reading Hackers don’t break in – they log in

78% of people forgot a password in the past 90 days

Passwords are the dominant way online services manage access to our personal and work-related lives. But often times, they’re more of a headache than a security tool. HYPR released the findings of a two and a half year Password Usage Study, which compi… Continue reading 78% of people forgot a password in the past 90 days

Passwordless authentication is here ​now​, and it is vastly superior to using a password

Mirko Zorz, Help Net Security’s Editor in Chief, recently published ​an article about the state of passwordless authentication​ that predicted a long journey before this technology is viable. We would like to share that passwordless multi-factor authen… Continue reading Passwordless authentication is here ​now​, and it is vastly superior to using a password

Regulations are driving innovation toward an identity layer on the Internet

The security community often points to the inherent lack of an encryption layer on the Internet as a factor behind many of the related threat vectors. The decentralized nature of the web, which has driven its near ubiquity, also makes it a vector for c… Continue reading Regulations are driving innovation toward an identity layer on the Internet

The rise of biometrics and passwordless security

Whether you realize it or not, our current era of mobile and cloud computing can be defined, both positively and negatively, by shared secrets. Shared secrets — passwords, authentication, and legacy multi-factor authentication — is the synchronous rela… Continue reading The rise of biometrics and passwordless security

True passwordless authentication is still quite a while away

The password has been one of the great inventions in the history of computing: a solution that allowed simple and effective identity and access management when the need arose for it. Unfortunately, as time passed, the downsides of using (just) password… Continue reading True passwordless authentication is still quite a while away