Okta moves passkeys to cloud, allowing multi-device authentication

Okta’s formula for multi-device identity authentication for a hybrid workforce: extract passwords, add ease of passkeys across devices.
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What are the risks of reusing the same passphrase for FDE, user account, and password manager?

Consider a home user who runs Linux on a laptop with full-disk encryption and uses a cloud-based password manager. Assume the laptop is firewall-protected with no SSH access. It seems reasonable to reuse the same passphrase for the OS user… Continue reading What are the risks of reusing the same passphrase for FDE, user account, and password manager?

How can I reduce the number of passphrases that I must memorize (password manager, FDE, user accounts)? [closed]

I’m attempting to reduce the number of passphrases that I must memorize. Currently I need a different passphrase for each of:

Password manager
FDE for my personal computer
User account for my personal computer
FDE for my work computer
Use… Continue reading How can I reduce the number of passphrases that I must memorize (password manager, FDE, user accounts)? [closed]

Credential management for an app requiring multiple different logins within a single application [closed]

I created an app that requires users to make multiple different logins within the app. Is it possible to use Google’s Identity API to ensure that the different required login credentials are stored/retrieved by Google whenever they are nee… Continue reading Credential management for an app requiring multiple different logins within a single application [closed]