False sense of safety undermines good password hygiene

LastPass released findings from its fifth annual Psychology of Password report, which revealed even with cybersecurity education on the rise, password hygiene has not improved. Regardless of generational differences across Boomers, Millennials and Gen … Continue reading False sense of safety undermines good password hygiene

How do I remember passwords for environments where Password Manager is not available?

I am a big fan of 1Password. And I try to save my passwords in 1Password as much as possible.
However, there are environments where 1Password cannot be used. That is the password to protect 1Password itself and the password for full disk e… Continue reading How do I remember passwords for environments where Password Manager is not available?

How to Keep Your Secrets Safe: A Password Primer

There are two kinds of companies in the world: those that have been breached by unethical hackers, and those that have been breached and don’t know it yet. Hackers are relentless. Today’s cyberattacks have evolved into high-level espionage perpetrated by robust criminal organizations or nation-states. In the era of software as a service (SaaS), enterprise […]

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Does having authenticator app/OTP generator built into Password Manager defeat its purpose?

For example the KeepassOTP plugin is one of a few plugins for Keepass, that allows users to view their OTP code from within the password manager itself. Does this defeat the purpose of having a OTP as a form of 2FA? If the database is comp… Continue reading Does having authenticator app/OTP generator built into Password Manager defeat its purpose?

How do I secure sensitive information like system credentials in a configuration file?

I often get this question:
I have sensitive data such as system credentials which my web application needs to secure. Some things I can store in a database, but others (like the credentials to access the database itself) need to be stored … Continue reading How do I secure sensitive information like system credentials in a configuration file?

Should one reject login attempts when the correct password is newly added to a password deny list?

Best practices say that when users choose a password (at signup or when changing an existing password), the application should reject that password if it appears on a list of passwords known to be unsafe. For example, NIST Special Publicat… Continue reading Should one reject login attempts when the correct password is newly added to a password deny list?