Alternative to opioids found in trio of old antibiotics

New research led by scientists from UT Southwestern suggests a novel combination of three old antibiotics may be repurposed into an alternative to opiates for a particular kind of nerve pain.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Nerves, Pain, Pain Rel… Continue reading Alternative to opioids found in trio of old antibiotics

Tarantula venom peptide may provide relief for IBS pain

Spider venom isn’t normally something you want in your body, but in some cases there might be exceptions. Australian researchers have now identified two peptides from tarantula venom that show promise in blocking organ pain, working particularly well i… Continue reading Tarantula venom peptide may provide relief for IBS pain

First evidence of chronic pain in insects points to a root cause in humans

The drugs we’ve developed to help us deal with chronic pain largely focus on suppressing its symptoms, rather than eliminating its underlying causes. By studying the way pain works in injured fruit flies, scientists have for the first time un… Continue reading First evidence of chronic pain in insects points to a root cause in humans

How deadly pufferfish toxin led to a breakthrough long-lasting local anesthetic

An impressive new study, led by scientists from the Boston Children’s Hospital, has developed a novel method to tame one of the world’s most potent toxins, tetrodotoxin, commonly found in the pufferfish. The research demonstrates a way to con… Continue reading How deadly pufferfish toxin led to a breakthrough long-lasting local anesthetic

Nerve study on pain-immune mole-rats could inspire new pain relief for humans

They’re not much to look at, but mole-rats are pretty amazing animals. Among a range of other biological oddities, these weird little rodents have a remarkable resistance to pain that’s not seen in other mammals, and now researchers have a be… Continue reading Nerve study on pain-immune mole-rats could inspire new pain relief for humans