As an application developer in Java and JavaScript what would i probably never get from a platform as security out of the box?

I need to comply with OWASP top 10 and i am searching for the best platform to code on -as developer- on AWS or GCP what would be my share of security to do (test cases…) or security feature that i will always need to code in complete o… Continue reading As an application developer in Java and JavaScript what would i probably never get from a platform as security out of the box?

Does OWASP’s top 10 list cover the majority of potential web application vulnerabilities?

I ask this question because there is a common compliance argument that performing an “OWASP Top 10” scan provides enough coverage to consider it an “in-depth” scan. Is this the case, or are organizations implementing a minimal level of sca… Continue reading Does OWASP’s top 10 list cover the majority of potential web application vulnerabilities?

Preventing automated attacks on Tokens without relying on Firewall or Network Infrastructure

Our concern is more on application side prevention automated attacks. Although the firewall does it part to help prevent this, it has been mandated in our development team’s security practices that we need a 2nd level of protection. Soluti… Continue reading Preventing automated attacks on Tokens without relying on Firewall or Network Infrastructure

How exactly works this SQL injection example related to the DVWA application?

I am a software developer converting do application security and I have some doubts about SQL injection example.

I am following a tutorial related the famous DVWA:

So I have the following doubt (proba… Continue reading How exactly works this SQL injection example related to the DVWA application?