Let There Be Light: The Engineering of Optical HDMI

Close up of a custom optical HDMI cable on a desk

In a recent video, [Shahriar] from The Signal Path has unveiled the intricate design and architecture of optical HDMI cables, offering a cost-effective solution to extend HDMI 2.0 connections beyond …read more Continue reading Let There Be Light: The Engineering of Optical HDMI

Optical device forgoes lenses for better detection of tainted water

It’s ironic that in places where drinking water needs to be checked for microbes the most, labs that can perform the analysis are least likely to be present. A new “lensless” device could help, as it uses light to instantly detect harmful microorganism… Continue reading Optical device forgoes lenses for better detection of tainted water

Night-vision lenses so thin and light that we can all see in the dark

From evening drives to navigating a house or a park in the dark, there are so many situations where it’d be handy to slip on a simple pair of night-vision lenses and the world that’s beyond human optical perception could be illuminated like never befor… Continue reading Night-vision lenses so thin and light that we can all see in the dark

Deep-space lasers smash data speed records over interplanetary distances

NASA’s Psyche spacecraft, farther away than the Sun, has sent data through a laser over a record-breaking distance, and done so even faster than expected.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: NASA, Communications, Communicate, Laser, Light, Dat… Continue reading Deep-space lasers smash data speed records over interplanetary distances

You may not have your jetpack yet, but here’s your invisibility shield

If you’ve ever wished that you could turn invisible, here’s your chance. A consumer “invisibility shield” has just hit Kickstarter, and it could be yours for as little as £54 (about US$68).Continue ReadingCategory: Good Thinking, LifestyleTags: Kicksta… Continue reading You may not have your jetpack yet, but here’s your invisibility shield

Glasses with spiral lenses could help you see clearer, farther

Scientists have developed a new type of lens that creates multiple focal points, which could make for glasses or contacts that provide a clearer view over a range of distances. The secret? Making the lens a spiral shape.Continue ReadingCategory: Techno… Continue reading Glasses with spiral lenses could help you see clearer, farther

Hubble and Webb tag-team to image “Christmas Tree” galaxy cluster

The James Webb Space Telescope may have been touted as a successor to Hubble, but the old-timer still has some life left in it yet. These two iconic instruments have now teamed up to take a star-studded deep-field image of the colorful “Christmas Tree … Continue reading Hubble and Webb tag-team to image “Christmas Tree” galaxy cluster