How long does it take for a gpg key revoke certificate to propagate to all public key servers?

I recently created a new gpg key just for the sake of learning the basics of public key encryption. Now, I’d like to revoke that test key so that I can go on using a more “permanent” key that is associated with my personal email account. … Continue reading How long does it take for a gpg key revoke certificate to propagate to all public key servers?

Why gpg –sign-key only signs the Public Primary Keypair and not the Subordinates Public Keypairs?

Suppose that Alice gives her public key to Bob. The public key contains:

1 primary public key
2 subordinates public keys.

When Bob run: gpg –list-sigs
it shows that the primary key and both subordinates keys are self-signed by Ali… Continue reading Why gpg –sign-key only signs the Public Primary Keypair and not the Subordinates Public Keypairs?