Using certificate-constrained access tokens created by private key used to authentication (with private_key_jwt)

I have a OIDC provider that can’t use mutual TLS authentication due to mTLS problems like certificates expiration (what if client didn’t rotate certificate and it’s expired now? Client cant authenticate to server to e.g. inform server that… Continue reading Using certificate-constrained access tokens created by private key used to authentication (with private_key_jwt)

When need I to display consent and should deprecated consents be stored? [migrated]

When the law requires consent screen to be displayed for user? Should it be displayed only for third party applications (e.g. signing to stackoverflow by google account) or is it also necessary for first party apps?
And if user give consen… Continue reading When need I to display consent and should deprecated consents be stored? [migrated]

Attack using the same scope names within differents api resources with OpenID Connect / OAuth2

Assume that we have a client X and client Y. There’s also api resources: api-resource-1 and api-resource-2, and api scopes: and test.write.
Client X is allowed to within api-resource-1 and api-resource-2. It’s also allo… Continue reading Attack using the same scope names within differents api resources with OpenID Connect / OAuth2