Mark Your Calendar: Technical Deep Dive on Windows 10 Deployment (Online Class)

Take a closer look at all the options that are available for deploying Windows 10 in your organization and learning about support the OS under the Windows as a Service concept.

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Getting The Amiga 500 Online

If you were lucky enough to have a Commodore Amiga or one of its competitor 16-bit home computers around the end of the 1980s, it’s probable that you were doing all the computing tasks that most other people discovered a few years later when they bought their first 486 or Pentium. So in the mid 1990s when all your friends were exclaiming at Paint Shop Pro or their Soundblaster cards you’d have had an air of smugness. Multitasking? Old hat! Digital audio? Been there! Graphics manipulation? Done that!

There was one task from that era you almost certainly wouldn’t have done on …read more

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Free Online Training Available with UK TechDays Online 2016

Looking for an opportunity to learn about how Microsoft apps, products and services are used in the real world? TechDays Online 2016 is a free five day event that will do just that and you get to watch online from your own desk.

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Resource: Microsoft Virtual Academy

The Microsoft Virtual Academy provides free courses for people working with Microsoft technologies as IT Pros, developers, Data Pros, students and many others. The training ranges from introductions to in-depth courses that cover that technologies im… Continue reading Resource: Microsoft Virtual Academy

Why Is Offline Porn Still A Thing?

Despite countless advances in the smut industry, some still spend money on the real thing. Continue reading Why Is Offline Porn Still A Thing?