Trade of online gaming currencies fuels cybercrime

Though the majority of gaming companies prohibit the real-money trading of online gaming currencies, the practice is still widespread, and according to Trend Micro researchers, the money that cybercriminals earn through it is used to mount DoS attacks, spam campaigns, perpetrate identity theft and financial fraud against a variety of business and organizations, and so on. Until players stop trying to buy in-game currencies, cybercriminals will try to get it and sell it. And while … More Continue reading Trade of online gaming currencies fuels cybercrime, Funcom gaming forums hacked, user databases stolen

Vulnerabilities in older versions of the popular vBulletin Internet forum software are being exploited left and right, and data of millions of forum users is being pilfered every day. According to Leaked Source, the latest victims are users of some of and Funcom gaming forums, two legal advice forums (at and, and and forums’ breaches account for over 25 million compromised user records – usernames, email addresses, encrypted passwords, … More Continue reading, Funcom gaming forums hacked, user databases stolen

Epic Games forums hacked again, over 800,000 users affected

Some of the online forums maintained by Epic Games, the video game development company behing the Unreal Engine technology and games based on it, have been hacked and their user databases compromised. According to ZDNet, the hack was executed on August 11, and the (unidentified) attacker made off with user info of over 800,000 forum contributors. “We believe a recent Unreal Engine and Unreal Tournament forum compromise revealed email addresses and other data entered into … More Continue reading Epic Games forums hacked again, over 800,000 users affected

Dota 2 Dev forum breached, nearly 2 million users affected

A hacker has breached the official Dota 2 Dev forum and made off with the entire forum database, which contains email addresses, usernames, IP addresses, and salted password hashes of 1,923,972 users. LeakedSource managed to get ahold of the stolen database, and says that the hack happened on July 10th, 2016. Their analysis revealed that the overwhelming majority of users signed up with their Gmail address, but also that many users used disposable email addresses. … More Continue reading Dota 2 Dev forum breached, nearly 2 million users affected