[SANS ISC] Interesting JavaScript Obfuscation Example

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Interesting JavaScript Obfuscation Example“: Last Friday, one of our reader (thanks Mickael!) reported to us a phishing campaign based on a simple HTML page. He asked us how to properly extract the malicious code within the page. I did an analysis of the

[The post [SANS ISC] Interesting JavaScript Obfuscation Example has been first published on /dev/random]

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Is security by obscurity / obfuscation a valid option, or do the crawlers have JavaScript enabled?

I’m creating a new website, so I am thinking about how to protect my email address and phone number against crawlers, I actually mean email harvesters (most of which I suppose don’t have JavaScript enabled, but I don’t have a… Continue reading Is security by obscurity / obfuscation a valid option, or do the crawlers have JavaScript enabled?

From .tk Redirects to PushKa Browser Notification Scam

In the past couple of years, we’ve been tracking a long-lasting campaign responsible for injecting malicious scripts into WordPress sites.
This campaign leverages old vulnerabilities (patched a long time ago) found in a variety of outdated theme… Continue reading From .tk Redirects to PushKa Browser Notification Scam