Pervasive PSQL Injection Login bypass [on hold]

I’ve been previously trying to bypass the login of a friends web application school project with a “simple” SQL-injection.

Bad things:

It’s Black Box. (So no sniffing around in the backend)

I haven’t worked with pervasive PSQL yet.

Good things:

I have managed to tickle the pervasive DB to give me quite some nice information by insertig a null byte in my request.

ERROR: 1104 MSV_Data.MSV_QueryDef Command: SELECT * FROM users WHERE
(login = ‘user\” or true);– ‘ ) Fehler:
Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.w: [LNA][Pervasive][ODBC Engine
Interface]Syntax Error: SELECT * FROM users WHERE (login = ‘user\” or
true);–<< ??? >> .

So as you can probably see, the null byte was inserted/appended to the end of my query (represented by << ??? >>).
And as you can probably see as well, is that I inserted ” user/’ ” in order to bypass the “escaping method”, which basically prepends a second single quote.

And as you are reading this, no, it didn’t work after leaving out the null byte at the end.

Now my question: Is it possible to bypass this method and do you have any other fancy ideas to try?

PS: I already tried URL encoding, same result.

Continue reading Pervasive PSQL Injection Login bypass [on hold]

Cookie that contains NULL byte character (0x00) on new site – any issues?

I installed NinjaFirewall plugin on v4.7.2. It locked me out of my site.

They asked for the log from my hosting company’s cPanel, which I got and they report:

You have a cookie that contains the NULL byte character (0x00). That’s
very odd and unusual.

You can log in to WordPress using another browser (or delete your
cookies first), then go to “NinjaFirewall > Firewall Policies >
Various > Block ASCII character 0x00 (NULL byte)” and select “No”.
Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Save Firewall

This is all new ground for me. Does anyone know if there are any issues I should be aware of?

Continue reading Cookie that contains NULL byte character (0x00) on new site – any issues?

Cookie that contains NULL byte character (0x00) on new site – any issues?

I installed NinjaFirewall plugin on v4.7.2. It locked me out of my site.

They asked for the log from my hosting company’s cPanel, which I got and they report:

You have a cookie that contains the NULL byte character (0x00). That’s
very odd and unusual.

You can log in to WordPress using another browser (or delete your
cookies first), then go to “NinjaFirewall > Firewall Policies >
Various > Block ASCII character 0x00 (NULL byte)” and select “No”.
Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Save Firewall

This is all new ground for me. Does anyone know if there are any issues I should be aware of?

Continue reading Cookie that contains NULL byte character (0x00) on new site – any issues?