Updates (and a new feature!) to buatapa

Hello again readers and welcome back! Today we are pleased to announce the release of a new version of buatapa, updating from version 0.0.5 to 0.0.6. The changes are going to be mostly transparent for end users, but it does account for a change in the … Continue reading Updates (and a new feature!) to buatapa

Updates (and a new feature!) to buatapa

Hello again readers and welcome back! Today we are pleased to announce the release of a new version of buatapa, updating from version 0.0.5 to 0.0.6. The changes are going to be mostly transparent for end users, but it does account for a change in the … Continue reading Updates (and a new feature!) to buatapa

Teslacrypt vs open source tools

Hello again readers! Today’s blog post is going to cover a new “variant” of ransomware that has been deemed “Teslacrypt”, which was highlighted in a fairly detailed post by Vadim Kotov from Bromium Labs.  I was able to acquire two samples of Tesla… Continue reading Teslacrypt vs open source tools

Teslacrypt vs open source tools

Hello again readers! Today’s blog post is going to cover a new “variant” of ransomware that has been deemed “Teslacrypt”, which was highlighted in a fairly detailed post by Vadim Kotov from Bromium Labs.  I was able to acquire two samples of Tesla… Continue reading Teslacrypt vs open source tools