About Right
I really enjoyed reading Anne Ogborn’s piece on making simple DIY measurement devices for physical quantities like force, power, and torque. It is full of food for thought, if you’re …read more Continue reading About Right
Collaborate Disseminate
I really enjoyed reading Anne Ogborn’s piece on making simple DIY measurement devices for physical quantities like force, power, and torque. It is full of food for thought, if you’re …read more Continue reading About Right
Our own Dan Maloney has been on a Voyager kick for the past couple of years. Voyager, the space probe. As a long-term project, he has been trying to figure …read more Continue reading Institutional Memory, On Paper
It’s often said of us humans that we’re the only “tool-using mammals”. While not exclusive to the hacker community, a bunch of us are also “tool-building mammals” when we have …read more Continue reading Tool-Building Mammals
In what is probably the longest-distance tech support operation in history, the Voyager mission team succeeded in hacking their way around some defective memory and convincing their space probe to …read more Continue reading Welcome Back, Voyager
Last weekend was Hackaday Europe 2024, and it was great. Besides having some time to catch up with everyone, see some fun new badge hacks, and of course all the …read more Continue reading The Long and the Short of It
A discussion came up on the Hackaday Discord PCB design channel about resistor networks, and it got me thinking about whether we (the hacker community) use them in designs or …read more Continue reading Too Much Over-optimization is Never Enough!
I’m pretty good with time zones. After all, I live in Germany, Hackaday’s server is in Los Angeles, and our writers are scattered all over the globe. I’m always translating …read more Continue reading It’s About Time
I’m off visiting my parents for a while, and have managed to bring nearly everything along with me that I need to get work done, and it all fit in …read more Continue reading Hacking and Working on the Go
I had one of those why-didn’t-I-think-of-it moments this week, reading this article about multiplexing I2C on the ESP32 microcontroller. The idea is so good, and so simple, that it’s almost …read more Continue reading Sometimes It’s the Little Things
This was the week that I accidentally taught my nearly ten-year-old son binary. And I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear. It all started innocently enough. He had a …read more Continue reading Want to Learn Binary? Draw Space Invaders!