LW’s NEWS WRAP: ‘Spectre-NG’ — the latest family of chip vulnerabilities; expect more to come

Last Watchdog’s News Wrap Vol. 1, No. 7.  Google and Microsoft don’t team up very often. But the software rivals, to their credit, have been moving in unison to help the business community get ahead of a new class of hardware-level sec… Continue reading LW’s NEWS WRAP: ‘Spectre-NG’ — the latest family of chip vulnerabilities; expect more to come

NEWS WRAP-UP: Mirai botnet variants take Internet-of-Things hacking to higher levels

Week ending Jan. 19, 2018. Don’t look now but the weaponization of the Internet of Things just kicked into high gear. The Mirai botnet, which I first wrote about in December 2016, is back — in two potent variants. Mirai Okiru targets ARC pr… Continue reading NEWS WRAP-UP: Mirai botnet variants take Internet-of-Things hacking to higher levels