2023: As The Hardware World Turns

We’ve made it through another trip around the sun, and for the first time in what feels like far too long, it seems like things went pretty well for the …read more Continue reading 2023: As The Hardware World Turns
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We’ve made it through another trip around the sun, and for the first time in what feels like far too long, it seems like things went pretty well for the …read more Continue reading 2023: As The Hardware World Turns
Dear blog readers,Since December, 2005 my personal blog is one of the security industry’s most popular and high traffic visited security publications with hundreds of high-profile visitors on a daily basis.I’m currently offering and accepting s… Continue reading Who Wants to Advertise?
Like, subscribe, fire, and reload. Continue reading YouTube’s Gun Reviewers Are ‘Guns & Ammo’ Magazine for the Internet Age
It’s good news and bad news for the publishing industry. The good news is that print revenue was up 3.4 percent in April, primarily in trade paperbacks, with some solid grown in young adult print and religious titles. The bad news is that revenue is down 4.3 percent year-to-date with a 7 percent loss in April compared to 2015. Further, ebook sales were down 22.7% compared to last year.… Read More
Continue reading Print and ebook revenue down as Amazon slashes prices
Famous New Media Artist Jeremy Bailey wants to give other artists a chance to go into business. Continue reading A Silicon Valley-Like Startup Accelerator, But For Artists
Artist [Petros Vrellis] has done something that we’ve never seen before: his piece “A New Way to Knit” lives up to its name. What he’s done is to take the traditional circular loom, some black thread, and toss some computing at it. And then he loops the string around and around and around.
The end result of following the computer’s instructions is a greyscale portrait. Where few black strings overlap, it’s light, and where more overlap, it’s darker. That’s the whole gimmick, but the effect is awesome. As you zoom in and out, it goes from a recognizable face to …read more
We were told a digital media bloodbath was coming. Instead, two new powerhouses joined the content farm industry. Continue reading The Digital Media Bloodbath Isn’t Happening