Detection evasion in CLR and tips on how to detect such attacks

In this article we demonstrate a detection evasion technique using CLR that may be useful for penetration testing as well as a couple of tips for SOCs to help detect such attacks. Continue reading Detection evasion in CLR and tips on how to detect such attacks

Detection evasion in CLR and tips on how to detect such attacks

In this article we demonstrate a detection evasion technique using CLR that may be useful for penetration testing as well as a couple of tips for SOCs to help detect such attacks. Continue reading Detection evasion in CLR and tips on how to detect such attacks

How to encode Metasploit shell to base64 and use C# to decode it and execute in memory? [closed]

I wanted to use Metasploit shellcode (I have already created the shellcode and encoded it with base64) decode base64 string and run the shellcode but when I do that the program gives out an error. What could I be doing wrong here?
Here’s t… Continue reading How to encode Metasploit shell to base64 and use C# to decode it and execute in memory? [closed]