Uploading webshell in ASP.net application using directory-traversal and file-upload vulnerability

On my target site, I found two vulnerabilities, unrestricted file upload(to any directory) and directory traversal. I have two end points :
1- site.com/fileUp : uploads file
—-Request Parameters—
file_name=123…. Continue reading Uploading webshell in ASP.net application using directory-traversal and file-upload vulnerability

Is better for security to not run Nginx and Backend inside docker but use docker only for database and not external exposed services?

I’m not a Docker specialist, I know how to install, configure and do only basic Docker hardening based on Docker official documentation.
I know nothing about AppArmor,SELinux and GRSEC.
But i need to put my C# app backend in production; My… Continue reading Is better for security to not run Nginx and Backend inside docker but use docker only for database and not external exposed services?