Microsoft Will Let Developers Update Legacy UWP Apps to .NET 9

Microsoft today announced a surprising new modernization path for developers stuck supporting legacy UWP apps.
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Modernizing .NETpad: (More) Dialog about Dialogs (Premium)

It’s been a frustrating week for the .NETpad modernization project. Some of it was self-inflicted. And some was Microsoft’s fault.
I take exception
Let me address the latter first, as it’s a quicker conversation: Earlier this week, Microsoft made three… Continue reading Modernizing .NETpad: (More) Dialog about Dialogs (Premium)

Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.11 is Now Available, Next Version is in Preview

Microsoft just announced the back-to-back releases of two versions of Visual Studio: Version 17.11 is now available in stable.
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Build 2024: .NET Announces Updates for AI, Web, Cloud-First, Cross-Platform, and More

At Build 2024 today, Microsoft announced the release of .NET 9 Preview 4 and a sweeping set of updates and improvements across the stack.
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