Logic via DNA
We often say you can make logic gates out of nearly anything. [Steve Mould] would agree as he just finished playing naughts and crosses (tic tac toe if you are …read more Continue reading Logic via DNA
Collaborate Disseminate
We often say you can make logic gates out of nearly anything. [Steve Mould] would agree as he just finished playing naughts and crosses (tic tac toe if you are …read more Continue reading Logic via DNA
[3dprintedlife] is apparently a little bored. Instead of whiling away the time playing tic tac toe, he built an impressive tic tac toe robot named TOBOT. The robot uses a Rasberry Pi Zero and a Feather to control a two-axis robot arm that can draw the board and make moves …read more
Continue reading TOBOT is Your Tic Tac Toe Opponent with a Bad Attitude