Why does msfvenom payload dll create the run32dll subprocess after it is injected into the explorer process memory?

I am researching payloads that msfvenom (metasploit framework) can be generated and existing methods of injection them into processes for manual incident investigation.
Initial data

Target: Windows 10 x64 (19041.804)
Client: Kali Linux 2… Continue reading Why does msfvenom payload dll create the run32dll subprocess after it is injected into the explorer process memory?

msfvenom: how to output assembly of windows payload for inline assembly in C?

My goal is to obfuscate metasploit windows payloads’ assembly code (adding junk code to the payload itself), then adding the obfuscated shellcode to inline assembly in C. The issue is there is no format command line argument (-f) that prov… Continue reading msfvenom: how to output assembly of windows payload for inline assembly in C?

Why are PHP based msfvenom reverse shells for targeting my Windows server (for penetration testing purpose) not working?

I am just getting started with information security and trying to get a taste of it.
I am running Windows 10 in my laptop and have deployed DVWA in it on XAMPP. I am running a virtual machine in the same laptop with OS Kali linux. Before d… Continue reading Why are PHP based msfvenom reverse shells for targeting my Windows server (for penetration testing purpose) not working?

Msfvenom Python/Meterpreter/reverse_tcp Session Opened but No Shell Prompt [closed]

To start off I know that this question has already been asked and answered before, however the solution that worked for that person doesn’t work for me. Here is the issue:
msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > run
** Started reverse TCP handler… Continue reading Msfvenom Python/Meterpreter/reverse_tcp Session Opened but No Shell Prompt [closed]