God Told Him to Launch a Crypto Venture, Said Pastor. Now He’s Accused of Pocketing $1.2M

In Denver, Colorado, a pastor had a message for his congregation, reports CNN.

“After months of prayers and cues from God, he was going to start selling cryptocurrency, he announced in a YouTube video last April.”

The Signature and Silvergate banks … Continue reading God Told Him to Launch a Crypto Venture, Said Pastor. Now He’s Accused of Pocketing $1.2M

Famed Financial Analyst’s Final Forecast? ‘The Dollar is Finished’ as World Reserve Currency

An anonymous reader shared this report from the The New York Times:

Over his 54 years as a financial analyst, Richard X. Bove perfected the art of grabbing attention… American Banker once called him “the country’s most quotable bank analyst.” Last w… Continue reading Famed Financial Analyst’s Final Forecast? ‘The Dollar is Finished’ as World Reserve Currency