Astronauts could heal themselves with 3D-printed skin and bones grown from their own cells

It goes without saying that there aren’t any doctors in space – which is a problem, given that the harsh environment is conducive to injuries. Now researchers from Dresden Technical University (TUD) have developed a 3D bioprinting method for … Continue reading Astronauts could heal themselves with 3D-printed skin and bones grown from their own cells

Scientists successfully edit a long-locked part of plant DNA, improving crop security

Think of DNA and chances are the double helix structure comes to mind, but that’s only one piece of the puzzle. Another major part is mitochondrial DNA, and in plants that’s even more important – and so complex that scientists haven’t yet bee… Continue reading Scientists successfully edit a long-locked part of plant DNA, improving crop security

Carbon dioxide could be converted into graphene

Carbon dioxide is kind of painted as the villain of the 21st century, and it’s not enough to just reduce our emissions now – we need to remove some of what’s already in the atmosphere. Now, researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KI… Continue reading Carbon dioxide could be converted into graphene

Harvard study suggests asteroids are likely seeding life throughout the galaxy

The Earth is the only place we know for sure harbors life, but given how big the observable universe is, the odds that we’re completely alone are astronomical. It’s been suggested in the past that life could hitch a ride on asteroids or comet… Continue reading Harvard study suggests asteroids are likely seeding life throughout the galaxy

Astronomers close in on the fast radio burst mystery by tracing new signal to distant galaxy

Strange signals known as fast radio bursts (FRBs) are one of the most intriguing mysteries of modern astronomy, so the more of them we can locate, the closer we get to figuring what causes them. Now we’re a step closer to solving the riddle, … Continue reading Astronomers close in on the fast radio burst mystery by tracing new signal to distant galaxy

Fast new directed evolution technique makes viruses create drug proteins in days

Evolution is one of nature’s most impressive forces, allowing organisms to adapt to changing environments to survive. By harnessing and guiding that process scientists have managed to manipulate micro-organisms into producing useful new drugs… Continue reading Fast new directed evolution technique makes viruses create drug proteins in days

Randomly dimming star can't be explained by usual theories

An artist's impression of a swarm of comets dimming "Tabby's Star" – an explanation that has ...

A few years ago, astronomers noticed a star that was dimming in a strange pattern, leading to speculation that an “alien megastructure” might be orbiting it. More plausible explanations were later put forward, with the most likely culprit being a cluster of comets. But now scientists have discovered an even weirder star system that appears to be dimming completely at random, and none of the usual explanations seem to fit.

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Category: Space


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Common element combos could replace rare-Earth metals in electronics

Electronic devices are made possible thanks to a group of elements often referred to as rare-Earth metals, but as the name suggests, these may be in limited supply and are relatively expensive. Now, a team of scientists has found a way to com… Continue reading Common element combos could replace rare-Earth metals in electronics

Earth has room to reforest an area the size of the United States, but it’s no silver bullet for climate change

Trees are an unquestionably important part of our environment, and their ability to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen means they could play a key role in offsetting the worst effects of climate change. But just how effective would they be? A… Continue reading Earth has room to reforest an area the size of the United States, but it’s no silver bullet for climate change

New carnivorous dinosaur brandished twice the toe claws of a velociraptor

As you probably remember from Jurassic Park, velociraptors (and similar dinosaurs) were known for the terrifying sickle-shaped claws on their toes. And that was just with one on each foot – a newly-discovered dinosaur from a related species w… Continue reading New carnivorous dinosaur brandished twice the toe claws of a velociraptor